About us
Who Are We?
Komfi spol. s r.o. has grown from a small construction office to a world-class company in just a few years. We currently employ approximately 170 people in 4 locations. Our pride is our quality technical and technological background with many years of experience in the development and construction of single-purpose machines. The strong position of the company is also supported by financial stability, investments in development and effective diversification of the product portfolio.
In addition to quality services and products, we also offer our partners fair negotiations, a professional approach and solutions tailored to individual needs. You can see how satisfied our current partners are with us in our references.

Why choose us?
Strong technical background, own development and construction, investment in development, technology and production capacities.
Independence – Czech family company and financial stability – investment from own resources.
We are among the top in our field. We respond flexibly to the market situation and we are a Czech family company with a future.

Our story
In 1992, the company´s founder, Karel Matějček, had no idea that one day he would employ nearly 200 people and export manufactured machines all over the world, not to mention that his whole family would be involved in the business. The Komfi company came into existence in a three-bedroom apartment in Lanškroun, when the former chief designer in Tesla purchased his first computer with his savings and started to “create drawings”. He came up with the name KOMA (KOnstrukce MAtějček) and even designed his own logo. However, due to the design of the individual letters, it didn’t take long before KOMA turned into KOMFI. The company name and its logo, which has undergone a few minor facelifts, are still used to this day. In contrast, almost everything else about the company has changed in the 25 years since it was established. At first the company operated as a design office with about 5 employees . Most of them are still with us. They have gained invaluable experience and lost non of their innovative spirit.
In 1994, the company´s owner decided to start manufacturing machines and the company started to rapidly expand. Manufacturing started in the operations plant in Svébohov. This plant is still in use even though it looks nothing like it did when the company first moved in. In the years that followed, we added more capacity in Litomyšl and Nové Město na Moravě. As a consequence, the number of people employed grew to the current level of 200. The production program stemmed from the original designs. The first machines that we designed and manufactured were therefore packaging machines for electro components.
In 1998, we manufactured our first laminating machine, on which we closely cooperated with a significant US partner. The introduction of the first laminator on the market marked the beginning of our “polygraphic future”. Today, polygraphic machines represent about 60-70 % of our total production volume. Our extensive network of dealers means that they can be found all over the world. In addition to polygraphic equipment, our second core group of products consists of single-purpose machines.
Guesthouse in Austrian Rauris
In addition to our technical activities, we own a guesthouse in Rauris, located in the Austrian Alps. We offer accommodation for anyone looking for a peaceful place to relax, whether on vacation or a business trip. The guesthouse is situated close to nature and is suitable for both summer and winter activities.