Just a week ago, the 2024 dealer days were at their peak! The main theme was sharing, both from the Komfi side and from our business partners. There were many presentations and demonstrations as well as individual meetings, both formal and more leisurely ones. We introduced our new prototypes, success stories of Komfi machines at the customers and we also aborded sustainability in print finishing. Fun evening programme such as quiz or bowling were not to be missed either.

Personal contact is important, and we and our partners felt that these two days were truly enriching. After a break (due to pandemics), we appreciate the opportunity to see our partners face to face again. The discussion and interactions are particularly valuable.


Everything worked like a well-oiled machine, thanks to all the Komfi staff. We thank them greatly for their involvement! We take away new insights and stronger relationships, again a little more prepared for the next challenges and trade fairs. Now we have nothing less to prepare for than drupa 2024.

See you there!