On May 12, 2023, the spring charity run Dobrák took place again in the grounds of Dobrovského Primary School in Lanškroun, and this year for the sixth time! And because we are always passionate about a good cause, we decided to sponsor it for the third time. But this year we were not alone. We invited the Sázava Bakery and Confectionery as a reinforcement. Every oval we ran turned into one crown twice. This time we collected funds for two girls – three-year-old Laura Hubálková from Lanškroun, who is fighting with Kabuki syndrome, and for Nela Rabová, whose life is complicated by an insidious leukemia.

Not only the Dobrák pupils, but also their friends, teachers, parents and even grandparents joined the run. Thanks to their efforts and perseverance, together we conquered 8973 ovals. This means that we and Sázava Bakery contributed 8973 crowns! The voluntary entrance fee was 5750 crowns. To make the ending even more dramatic, before the final, which promised to break the existing record of 7471 ovals, a participating member of the Parahospody association announced that for every oval that broke the existing record, Parahospody would contribute two crowns per oval. If we add it all together, we get a beautiful 26700 CZK. This amount was divided equally between the girls mentioned above. We are happy to have participated in this event for a good cause and a huge THANK YOU goes to everyone who helped raise money for someone who really needs it.