Machine Characteristics

Basic configuration

  • Feeder: Manual sheet loading, built-in air supply, adjustable guide plates, automatic overlap control.
  • Laminating Unit: Adjustable unwinding shaft, IR heating, removable spread roller, adjustable stoppers.
  • Separator & Delivery: De-curling unit, film perforator, snapping unit, fixed delivery desk.

SW functions included

  • Zero overlap option for thick sheets processing.
  • Choice of measuring units.
  • Intuitive user interface with built-in diagnostics and troubleshooting.


  • Additional guiding bar for comfortable manual feeding.
  • Additional desk for easy loading of long sheets.
  • Top suction belt feeder for pile stack feeding with possible upgrade on site.
  • Teflon pressure roller with non-sticking surface to reduce film or duplex print marking.
  • Airshaft
  • Film slitter to cut film roll to the required width.
  • Additional On roll perforator.
  • Effect foiling device with possibility to apply PSA film too.
  • 1″ unwinding shaft for effect films.
  • Air ionizer for smooth sheets unloading without static charge.
  • Automatic skewing wheel for reliable separation of difficult films.
  • External OTF module (foiling unit).
  • Roll lift for comfortable handling of laminating film rolls.

Technical specifications

Parameter Value
15 m/min
Max sheet size
520 x 800 mm (up to 1016 mm)
Paper weight
115-350 g/m²
Machine dimensions fixed delivery table
266 x 96 x 155 cm
Min. sheet dimensions
200 × 250 mm
Thickness of laminating film
24-40 μm
Kind of laminating film
Time of laminating cylinder warm up
Cca. 3.5 min
Sheet overlap accuracy
± 1 mm
Consumption of compressed air
20 l/min
Max. consumption of compressed air
30 l/min
Max. pressing force
12 kN
Max. linear nip pressure
23 N/mm
Max. consumption of electricity
3.5 kW
Power supply (EU version)
3.5 kVA
Power supply (US version)
3.5 kVA
Machine weight
460 kg
Recommended machine capacity
100 000 sheets/month
Parametr Hodnota
Min. rozměry archů
20 × 20 cm
Tloušťka laminovací fólie
24-50 μm
Druh laminovací fólie
OPP, PET, Nylon
Doba zahřátí laminovacího válce
Cca. 3.5 min
Přesnost přesahu archů
±1 mm
Vzduchová přípojka
Min. 6 bar
Spotřeba tlakového vzduchu
8 l/min
Max. spotřeba tlakového vzduchu
8 l/min
Max. přitlačovaná síla
12.8 kN
Max. lineární tlak v nipu
35.5 N/mm
Max. spotřeba elektřiny
2.1 kW
Napájení (verze EU)
2.6 kVA
Zdroj napájení (americká verze)
3.1 kVA
Hmotnost stroje
240 kg
Doporučená kapacita stroje
100 000 archů/měsíc

Custom-built solutions

Possibility of individual machine modification based on specific requirements



For other brochures please visit the download section.

* Technické parametry našich výrobků se mohou změnit bez předchozího upozornění.
* Fotografie / videa produktů mohou obsahovat další opce, které nejsou součástí standardní dodávky.